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Click below for the February 2017 edition of The Voice
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Fantastic turnout for talk by Mike on Queensferry Harbour
The Queensferry Pilgrim’s Cross
“Previous to the Reformation, one of the pilgrimages in Scotland
was to Dunfermline Abbey, on account of the shrine of St
Margaret. There are still to be seen in Dalmeny parish, about a
mile from South Queensferry, on the Edinburgh road, the
remains of the “Pilgrim’s Cross,” It is on the south side of the
road, on the summit of the rock, through which the road has
been cut, and where the first view of Dunfermline, previous to
the trees being planted, would be had by a pilgrim from the
south; on reaching which he would no doubt kneel down in
gratitude and adoration for such a near termination of his
journey, and for joy at the prospect of soon treading the sacred
courts of the monastery. The upper part of the shaft of the cross
has been broken off, but the lower part, about a foot in height,
still remains in the centre of the old stone pedestal, which is
between three and four feet square. This has recently been very
properly surrounded by four new stones, fastened together with
iron, for security. Bishop Geddes, in describing the spot, says,
“that it be regarded as a place of devotion, and a cross of stone
was erected, which was demolished at the change of religion;
but its pedestal is still to be seen, and the eminence has the name
to this day (1794) of Cross Hill, and so, like-wise, the
neighbouring farm is called.” [Historical & Statistical Account of Dunfermline by P.Chalmers Vol. 1. p.132]”
Building conservation in Scotland and the importance of lime.
Roz Artis, Director of the Scottish Lime Centre Trust educated us on when not to use cement rendering, why lime is so important in preserving our stone buildings, and…some surprising uses of this humble but vital material.
Growing old Gracefully
Mel Houston, Preventive Conservator of the National Trust for Scotland, gave a fascinating talk on how National Trust for Scotland cares for its historic artifacts and collections and advice on how to look after our family heirlooms.